Gran Fondo Important Details
What's Included
A Saint Francis Tulsa Tough t-shirt
All riders have chip timing
A series of fully staffed and stocked rest stops with
endless food, drink and medical/mechanical support
Finishers Award
Secure bike parking, gear check, and changing tents
EXCEPTIONAL post-ride festival, including a meal and
a drink…you will have earned it! Yes, that includes beer!
Opportunity to enjoy the criterium racing action - you
will finish next to the crit course
If you want to add to the bounty above, explore the
Pricing – Online Registration
ends June 3rd
$75 per day / $140 both days - through Friday, May 10
$90 per day / $170 both days - Saturday, May 11
through Monday, June 3
$110 one day / $200 both days - Friday, June 7 in-person,
walk-up registration available in Blue Dome venue at NeffBrewery at 4th & Frankfort Starting
at 4:00 p.m.
Special pricing for the ACE Challenge VIP Peloton DETAILS HERE
No Event Day Registration
Online registration for the Fondos will end on Monday, June 3rd at midnight. If you procrastinate, you can still register in person on Friday, June 7th at the Blue Dome Criterium venue located at Neff brewery at 4th & Frankfort beginning at 4:00 p.m. There is no registration Saturday or Sunday morning! DON’T WAIT! Click Here to REGISTER now.
We STRONGLY recommend you pick up your packet Friday night. Head to the Blue Dome Criterium venue located at Neff brewery at 4th & Frankfort on Friday, June 7th from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Pick up your packet and watch some Friday night Crit action! Note that YOU are the only person permitted to pick up your packet, which requires your signature on a waiver – make sure you have your photo ID.
For those who cannot pick up their own packet Friday night, packets will be available near the Fondo Start Lines both Saturday and Sunday. Again, YOU are the only person permitted to pick up your packet – make sure you have your photo ID.
Please perform a thorough inspection of your equipment BEFORE event day. Mechanics will be at the start each day, but take your bicycle to your favorite LBS (local bike shop) for a tune-up so you arrive at the Fondo start line with a smooth functioning machine. The last thing you need is a bad wheel or your brakes to fail, turning you into a two-wheeled projectile. For your safety and the safety of everyone around you, check your gear and don’t forget your helmet. Well equipped mechanics will be on course to assist with basic roadside repairs. However, a little self-sufficiency is a good trait of a real cyclist – learn how to fix a flat, and bring your own tubes, tire levers and air. Bikes with motors are NOT ALLOWED!
Centerline Rule
Although there will be some road closures, some intersection controls, and some police escorts, ALL SFTT Fondo Riders are responsible for staying RIGHT of the Yellow Centerline. When we say "ALL" this also includes the Ace Peloton riders. A Fondo bicycle rider is considered traffic. On some portions of the routes you will encounter rural drivers, and on others, you will encounter vehicles at highway speed. So, be SMART! You must ride following the "Rules of the Road." Ride to the right of the centerline at all times. Ride two abreast. Ride like your life depends on your own common sense, because it does!
Staging in the Large Group
Please situate yourself at the start line according to your realistic skill level and pace. The ACE Peloton will line up at the front as they average 21+ mph. Seriously, if you really are a fast rider, or you know you can sustain 18-19+ mph all day, stage up near the front and be with your peeps. If you’ll be livin’ in the granny gear, please stage toward the back. We're all here for our own version of fun.
Rules of the Road
“Rules of the Road” means you are subject to the traffic laws set forth by the great state of Oklahoma! You must stop at traffic lights and stop signs; ride single or double as allowed. Here’s a summary of SOME of the “Rules of the Road” applicable to cyclists in Oklahoma*.
A bicyclist is granted all the rights and subject to all the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle [with some exceptions]. 47 Okla. Stat. § 11-1202.
Bicyclists may lawfully ride two abreast. 47 Okla. Stat. § 11-1205
When overtaking and passing a bicycle proceeding in the same direction, a person driving a motor vehicle shall exercise due care by leaving a safe distance between the motor vehicle and the bicycle of not less than three (3) feet until the motor vehicle is safely past the overtaken bicycle. 47 Okla. Stat. § 11-1208
Every person operating a bicycle or motorized scooter upon a roadway at less than the normal speed of traffic at the time and place and under the conditions then existing shall ride as close as is safe to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway, except under any of the following situations:
When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction;
When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway;
When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions and while exercising due care, including but not limited to:
fixed or moving objects,
parked or moving vehicles,
pedestrians or animals,
surface hazards, or
any time it is unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway.
4. When riding in the right-turn-only lane.
Any person riding a bicycle . . . upon a one-way street . . . with two or more marked lanes of travel may ride as close as is safe to the left-hand curb or edge of the street or highway. 47 Okla. Stat. § 11-1205
47 Okla. Stat. § 11-1205 applies to bicycles and says, “Persons riding two abreast shall not impede the normal and reasonable flow of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane.” (The phrase “normal and reasonable flow of traffic” has not been defined by the Oklahoma legislature).
* The Statutes referenced are summary only. It is not a verbatim or complete listing.
Medio and Piccolo riders - Heads up for the ACE Peloton
We send this group off on Saturday BEFORE the mass start of the Gran, Medio, and Piccolo riders...so there is no issue with them overtaking you at the start. But depending on your pace as a Medio rider or a Piccolo rider, the ACE Peloton might catch you, and pass you, toward the end of your ride. If this happens, you will hear and/or see the lead motorcycle come up beside you, which means the riders in the ACE Peloton are about to pass you, along with their trailing support vehicles and motorcycles. DO NOT PANIC! The safest thing to do is to remain or move as far to the right side of the road as possible. Single up your group and continue pedaling and hold your line. DO NOT STOP ON THE ROAD! The entire group will be past you before you know it. If you have a place on the right where you can COMPLETELY pull off the road, that is acceptable too. One last thing to remember – DO NOT attempt to join into the ACE Peloton or sit on the back. If you are seen attempting this, you are subject to immediate removal from the Fondo ride and subject to additional penalties including lifetime banishment from ANY future SFTT events.
All Route Support Ends at 5 p.m. on Saturday and 2 p.m. Sunday
Choose your ride distance according to your realistic ability and based on your previous month's training pace. We can’t have you cycling into the night! To make sure everyone keeps pace, we have necessary rerouting points.
A sweep vehicle driver will advise slower riders of their option to continue unsupported, or SAG to the finish when route support ends. Riders opting to continue without support will relinquish their timing chip upon notice by the sweep.